Thursday, December 3, 2009

the "circle of life"

One often hears the expression the “circle of life”, and we certainly experienced it yesterday.

Early in the morning, my cousin, John, and his wife, JoAnn, became first-time grandparents to Justin, who was born in Japan. There is lots of excitement as you can well imagine. Justin is also my Aunt Frances’ third great grandchild, and he was born on the 23rd anniversary of my grandfather Watts’ death. (Papa Watts is Justin’s great-great grandfather.)

Then, last night, we learned that my Aunt Nancy, my father’s only sister, had died. Aunt Nancy had been in bad health, so the news wasn’t too much of a surprise, but it’s still a very sad time in our family. I’m thankful that Tom and I went to see her in August. Although Aunt Nancy didn’t know who we were (due to her dementia), we were happy to see her.

Soon my father’s side of our family will gather for the funeral. All too often these family reunions are for sad occasions. I’m so glad that our last family gathering was for a happy event, my father’s 88th birthday a few weeks ago.

Daddy (aged 3) and his sister, Nancy (aged 2)
Rest in peace, Aunt Nancy!
Family ties are precious things,
Woven through the years,
Of memories of togetherness,
Of laughter, love and tears.

Family ties are cherished things,
Forged in childhood days,
By love of parents, deep and true,
And sweet familiar ways.

Family ties are treasured things,
And far though we may roam,
The tender bonds with those we love,
Still pull our hearts toward home.
(Virginia Moore)


Bethany said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Tom and your family. I love the poem from Virginia Moore. Love, family, home, each a treasure, each to be cherished, for we never know.

valerie said...

Oh Ellen, I'm very sorry to hear this sad news about your Aunt Nancy. My condolences to you, Tom and the family.

Welcome to the world Baby Justin!

Margaret said...

Ellen, I'm so sorry to hear the news of your Aunt's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I'm glad you had good news of a new member of the family as well. A first grandchild for your cousin -- how precious life is.

N E E D L E P R I N T said...

Dear Ellen, The Circle of Life - One door opening as another closes - thank you for reminding us of the important things in life. Love to you and Tom as always, J

Patricia Lessell said...

Dear Ellen,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences to you all.

Congratulations too on the birth of Justin. Will it be long until you all get to see him in the flesh?
Patti xxx