Recently I sent three new designs to shops that requested them. You can read all about the designs at my website
Feel free to email me if you need a source for the bobbins.
Peacocks in the Garden
(an historical adaptation)
Quaker Sampling VI
Bobbins (often called spools) aren't a standard size so the chart pak has 3 charts to accommodate various bobbin sizes. The ones for Quaker Sampling VI are the same at the top and the bottom but different in between. These designs look cute on bobbins but can also be made into a little pillow or just laid on a table to display. If about 3-inches of linen is added to either side of the stitching, the design can be made into a drum. There are so many possibilities.
Sampler Maker
Bobbins (often called spools) aren't a standard size so each of the bobbin chart pak has charts to accommodate various bobbin sizes. The 3 designs for the Sampler Maker are very similar.
These designs look cute on bobbins but can also be made into a little pillow or just laid on a table to display. If about 3-inches of linen is added to either side of the stitching, the design can be made into a drum. There are so many possibilities.
Special charts and was disappointed when Sherelyn told me her package was returned because of pause on mail to NZ. I look forward to the mail flowing normally again. Blessings.
All are beautiful!
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